Companies of all sizes are embracing virtualization as a way to cut IT expenses, enhance security, and increase operational efficiency. But while people are already aware of its benefits, many are still in the dark when it comes to the different types of virtualization. Here, we’ll show you some of the most common virtualization methods and how they can be a game-changer for your business.
Industries that need virtual desktops
Apart from the cloud, one of today’s biggest IT trends is virtualization. And why not, it has helped countless businesses in more ways than one. An emerging model of virtualization is virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI), which involves hosting a desktop operating system and making it available on almost any device.
Virtualization and Windows Server 2019
Microsoft’s Windows Server operating systems are complicated enough to warrant their own certification program. However, small businesses can take full advantage of the features included in the latest version of this software by moving to an outsourced IT support model. Here’s what you miss out on if you keep everything in house.